An Unprecedented Gathering: The Malta Summit for Peace

Flag of Ukraine with silhouette of soldiers against the sunrise or sunset. Concept   armed forces of Ukraine.

In a world marked by political tensions, the recent gathering in Malta stands out as a symbol of international cooperation and collaboration. With the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia casting a shadow over Eastern Europe and, indeed, global geopolitics, the need for dialogue has never been more acute. This urgency led to the congregation […]

Biden Sends 3,000 Reserve Troops to Ukraine

Flag of Ukraine with silhouette of soldiers against the sunrise or sunset. Concept   armed forces of Ukraine.

President Biden has sent 3,000 reserve troops to help maintain Ukraine’s independence as Putin makes continuously more desperate attempts to conquer the Eastern European nation. With thousands of troops and millions of dollars being sent to Ukraine, some on the Right have been questioning the value of these efforts, arguing that we would be better […]

International Forces to Train Ukrainians to Remove Land Mines

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Ukrainian forces are getting some much-needed help from military experts sent from Ireland, Cyprus, and the United States. These experts are helping teach Ukrainians how to remove land mines. When it comes to removing land mines, safety is paramount. Removing mines without sustaining serious injury or death takes skill and training. The Ukrainian battlefront has […]

Putin, Ukraine, and the Election of 2024

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s recent bid for President has been making headlines. Also, in the news, we have the Ukraine war, which continues to rage on. Many have been wondering what the Democratic presidential candidate would have in mind concerning Ukraine. While Biden loyalists see President Joe Biden’s policy on the Ukraine War as a […]

Russia Loots Art from Ukraine on a Scale Not Seen Since WWII

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As the war in Ukraine rages on, the world has watched Ukrainians suffer some of the most horrific challenges of modern history. With Putin on the warpath, the Ukrainian people have faced the difficult choice between staying to fight for their homes or fleeing the country in hopes of escaping the brutality of war. Stay […]