Trump Mar-a-lago Raid Memes and More!
So I Guess You Could Say Things Are Getting Pretty Serious… The FBI has raided Donald Trump’s beachfront country club Mar-a-lago. Where he is not even supposed to be living per his lease from the local government… In the search, the FBI found a trove of top secret information adding up to around 14 […]
More Tragedy After the Overturn of Roe V. Wade
Everyone knows that teenagers use Facebook all of the time, they love Facebook! Some of them practically live on it, and with the construction of the Metaverse, they’ll get the chance to immerse themselves in it even more. Unfortunately, the feeling is not mutual, Facebook doesn’t love them back. In a recent incident that as […]
The Mar-a-Lago Raid – Real Time with Bill Maher
Donald Trump’s Florida Beach Club Mar-a-lago Was Raided By The FBI This Past Week. Bill Maher spends his monologue this week talking about Donald Trump pleading the Fifth to avoid self-incrimination. As well as Donald Trump’s Florida home Mar-a-lago, which doubles as a private $200,000 a year social club, being raided by the Federal Bureau […]
Trump Takes The Fifth
I Plead The Fifth! Trevor Noah on the Daily Show drops a ten-minute bit on Donald Trump pleading the Fifth to protect himself from self-incrimination. You have to marvel at the sheer irony of a man who said taking the fifth disqualifies you from office, then pleading the fifth himself, before running for office potentially. […]