What’s Going on With Ezra Miller and Why They are Allegedly Evading the Police

Ezra Miller was once an inspiring activist protesting for LGBTQ and gender-affirming rights. They were known as the queer, quirky actor that drew crowds of fans for their eclectic style. Now they are giving Jared Leto a run for his money as they are becoming increasingly problematic. Miller is currently and allegedly evading police and has the potential for violence when found. It has been quite the turn for the star and this is only the beginning.

Miller began his career in 2008 and went on to be in popular films such as The Perks of Being a Wallflower and We Need to Talk About Kevin. Miller was adored for his eclectic style and attitude and was known for being progressive and unique. Miller has come out as nonbinary and become an icon for the LGBTQ community. Trouble has been brewing for quite some time, however. While filming Perks the actor was allegedly pulled over and detained by police after having a broken tail light. They then found mass amounts of marijuana in his car. A minor infraction that only got worse from here. Miller had been known to make some odd performances, in interviews and on the red carpet and began to act more radically and even violently. At a Comic-Con event, Miller allegedly kissed a fan on the lips in 2017 after the fan asked if he smelled of alcohol. In 2020 a video surfaced of Miller choking a woman. The woman in the video has chosen to remain anonymous with no comment. No charges were filed against miller and they never spoke of the incident. I watched the video myself and the footage is incredibly violent, uncalled for, and frankly criminal.

Fast-forward to Miller’s most recent and most concerning allegations. Parents of an 18-year-old girl, Tokata Iron Eyes, have come out claiming that Miller was grooming their daughter, psychologically manipulating her, and physically intimating the girl since she was 12 while staying with him at their farm. The parents also alleged that Miller has given her drugs and alcohol since she was 12 and putting her in dangerous situations.

The parents asked a judge to issue an order of protection on behalf of their daughter. Tokata has been defending Miller and has been verbal via social media proclaiming that she does not agree with the order of protection or the allegations her parents are making against Miller. Miller has yet to be served the order as Miller has allegedly fled and is avoiding the police. Miller has made taunting posts on his then Instagram claiming that the police have to try harder to find him while also stating they never will. He is making a mockery of the entire situation and is not doing himself any favors. Also, if Miller is innocent why would he run at all? It is rarely a good sign when someone flees, whatever their reasoning is. As of the time this blog has been published, Miller has still not been found by police. Unfortunately, since Tokata’s parents came out with the alleged allegations many more people have come forward to share similar allegations against Miller. The case against them and their behavior is quickly amounting to some serious alleged charges.

A lot of people are now wondering what will happen with Miller’s upcoming anticipated movie The Flash. The Flash was going to make Miller the first queer actor to be the lead in a superhero movie. Now it is uncertain if The Flash will even be released. The Flash, with a 200 million dollar budget was set to release in June of 2023. This date was set after 17 years or re-setting dates for the release. This was anticipated to be one of the biggest releases and box hits of 2023. So the pressure and stakes were extremely high already.

Director of The Flash, Zaslav has a few options on how to proceed amidst the new controversy with Miller. He can continue on with the movie, pull Miller from the movie entirely, or only use certain streaming platforms and downplay any promotion. This all feels very familiar to what happened to Johnny Depp (who was found not guilty) during the Johnny V Heard trial. Warner Bros dropped the beloved actor before Johnny was found not guilty subsequently removing him from the franchise all together. In this case, Johnny was found not guilty therefore making that particular move unnecessary. Fans have then decided to boycott and not support the series without Depp being involved. Being that everything is still up in the air with Miller and we do not even have all the facts yet I imagine this makes it an extremely tough situation for Zaslav and they have a lot to consider. These allegations do seem very serious against Miller and will likely not be taken lightly. It can be anticipated that whatever choice is made with the movie the public will have an opinion about it.
One rumor has been circulating that whatever decision is made, Miller will be omitted from any future DC films and he will not be allowed to continue as The Flash. Many fans are asking Miller to be replaced by transgender star Eliot Page. In my opinion, not a bad choice at all. The state of the movie though is truly unknown and more importantly, Miller’s innocence is unknown. We have seen behavior like this before where stars take their fame and power and use it inappropriately causing extensive harm. Either way, we can hope that justice if need be, is served.

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