Website Development

South Florida Media | Phone: (954) 740-7900

Website Developers in Fort Lauderdale, Miami, and West Palm Beach

If you want to run a successful business in Fort Lauderdale, Miami, or West Palm Beach. Then you need a website that inspires South Florida customers to do business with you. Your website should be a point of pride, something that truly represents your brand. It should also function on a high level for your business. Your website is your first step forward in a new client or customer relationship. The internet is the phone book of the future and in this phone book, ruled by computer code, we can make or design anything you can imagine. We are only limited in our web development by your marketing imagination. At SFL Media our website developers and technical team can build absolutely anything. Including legal websites, medical websites, finance websites, restaurant websites, and everything in between. At SFL Media our full-stack website development team is ready to bring your project to life! So if you are looking for website developers in the South Florida area? Then you have certainly come to the right place.

The value of digital assets has come to rival that of physical property. Beautifully designed websites that generate tons of traffic have become extremely valuable. SFL Media has built some of the most visually spectacular and high-converting websites on the internet. A good web presence is built on the foundation of a good solid website. The website is the base of all your company’s public relations and marketing. It’s the very first thing potential clients and customers see before deciding to hire you or visit your business location. As such it is important that your website be visually appealing and function on a very high level. Your website not only needs to look great it also needs to work well with Google Search, Google Maps, and all the major online directories and social media platforms. Lastly,  your company’s website will need to be able to resize itself for all the different shapes and sizes that users currently view things on the internet. Including cell phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. Developing a good website in the modern age is very complex and you will need the absolute best people on your technology team to give you an edge over the fierce competition online.

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Website Development

Website development entails everything from creating the initial concept of a website to actually building and maintaining it. Our web developers will take your initial concept and produce a stunning design for your new website. Then our website development team will create your new website from scratch. Add all your new software plugins, test all of your new website’s functionality and go over all your edits and changes until it is absolutely perfect for you and your brand.

SFL Media Website Development

When you work with SFL Media, each web page will be crafted with the spirit of your brand and the desires of your customers in mind. The web development team at SFL Media can build a website with all of the bells and whistles you need to blow the competition out of the water. Our full-stack technology team has been working on websites just like yours for over 14 years. We were innovators in this industry and have been in web development from the ground floor till today. It’s that wealth of experience that we feel gives our clients an edge over the competition. The SFL Media web development team has seen it all before big and small. So whether you have a major medical practice, law office, or just a friendly bar and restaurant down the street. We can help you stand out online, get more customers, and improve your bottom line.

Building a website is a much more complex task than you might think. In the 1990s, almost anyone could do it if they put enough time and effort into it. Today, building a successful website that generates sales and traffic takes the skills of a truly professional website development team. With many technical skills and trades to make the project successful amidst fierce online competition. Including website design, graphic design, custom coding, and of course search engine optimization. You will need a full team of website development and technology professionals to get the results you and your business deserve. So the question then becomes do you want to house in your office and manage a full technology team? Do you want to pay payroll taxes on all of these new employees? Or would you rather sub that responsibility out to a qualified full-stack technology team for a fair price? A fair price that is a full tax write-off instead of a huge payroll and tax liability, I might add.

What it Takes to Build a Successful Website

Developing a website isn’t a simple task. On the technical side, you need a website development team that has mastered the arts of WordPress, CSS, HTML, and more. Our full-stack technology team at SFL Media has multiple programmers, WordPress experts, graphic designers, social media managers, and Google Adwords managers to make sure that your marketing is a home run for your business. Our team of web developers has worked together for many years on many different website development projects. We have built websites for medical practices, attorneys, dentists, realtors, restaurants, brands, celebrities, and even As Seen on TV products. When you hire SFL Media you put years of website development experience to work for you and your brand.

The best web developers are masters of online technology with a talent for design. Just as every building consists of a series of rooms, websites are comprised of individual web pages. The web pages combine to form the base of your online content strategy and search engine optimization plan. At SFL Media our website designers are experts in creating a website development plan and URL structure that will best fit your brand’s goals online. Our online content creators will write expert and engaging content for your web pages and do it in a Google-friendly format to help improve your new Website’s SEO reach. At SFL Media we take building custom websites very seriously. From the framework to the layout, to the functionality, we leave no development stone unturned. Your new website from SFL Media will not only be cutting edge, but it will also look cutting edge with hard-hitting content, amazing images, cool videos, and engaging custom content. At SFL Media we have the website development team to bring your website development dreams to life.

Why Web Development Should Be Done Professionally

Any website that isn’t developed professionally will look unprofessional and when a website looks unprofessional, customers scatter. Unprofessional websites not only scare customers away they do not perform well online in the search result rankings. So fewer people see your company online and that means fewer customers for your business and more financial stress for you. An investment in a good website is an investment that will pay off for you and your business for many years to come. It is quite honestly the gift that keeps on giving. You and your brand deserve the best website possible. Because you work hard at making your business the best business possible! So don’t sell yourself short when it comes to your online technology and website development. Invest in amazing online technology and that technology will deliver you and the business all the leads that you desire. At SFL Media our web development team is standing by to build you the high-quality and high-performance website that you and your business deserve. Call now and schedule a meeting with a member of our technology team. We will meet with you and review your entire project to see where you can make improvements if any. After that, we will write you a custom website development proposal plan. From there we can work with you to finalize the website development plan and then we will bring your dreams to life online in record web development speed.

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Awesome Websites Don’t Run Themselves

In a perfect world, websites would run themselves, but they don’t. If you keep your website updated, customers will lose interest and take their business elsewhere. Also, let’s be honest, your business changes all the time and needs updates to the website to reflect those changes. For instance, you may hire a new employee, add a new service, or even change locations. Also, Google rewards websites that update and improve their content with higher search result rankings. Thus when you build a new website with SFL Media or another Fort Lauderdale-based website development company you should also consider purchasing a website management plan or asking for a quick class on how to use WordPress. This way when small changes on the website arise you can call them into your tech team or at least do them yourself. Having a website manager and people regularly logging into your website will help keep your WordPress software, plugins, and content all up to date. While also helping catch any security risks quickly before they can do any major damage.

Website Development and Custom Content Creation

Successful websites have a steady stream of new content to keep everything fresh. That’s one of many reasons why so many websites publish blog posts at regular intervals. Publishing weekly blog posts is a great way to keep your customers informed while driving more traffic to your website by boosting SEO tremendously. At SFL Media our writers offer a weekly blog service where your company gets an original SEO log from an American writer released on your website every Monday morning at 9 am. The deadline for topic submission is every Wednesday at 5 pm. If we do not hear from you our writers will hand pic an amazing topic for your website. We also offer a la carte blog orders where you can order 25, 50, or even 100 blogs or content pages for your website at a time. This kind of content expansion can seriously help your company gain valuable market share online. For orders over 100 pages please call our office for custom pricing on your website development project’s content needs. At SFL media we strive to create the best original and most engaging content on the internet for our clients. We write for your business with the same care and quality that we do in the SFL Media newsroom.

Website Development and Maintenance

Websites also need technical maintenance as well. When updates get missed, your website can crash. Buttons on your website can stop working even important features like contact forms can crash and you’ll never know about it unless you discover it yourself or if a customer points it out. Of course, it’s always best to fix technical problems on your website before a customer has the chance to notice and complain about them. That’s why the website development team at SFL Media almost always suggests a website management plan or website training to any novices launching a new website. For experienced webmasters managing a WordPress website will be right in their wheelhouse but for laypeople, it is always best to have a management team in place or at least take a class on the new software that you have just invested in a fairly large amount of money into. Building a website and then abandoning it on the open web will never get you the results that your brand deserves. After launching a website there are many tweaks that will need to be done, offsite work on things like directories will need to be done, and then your site will need to continue to add content on a regular basis to rank high and the search results and stay there. Every successful website management plan contains software updates, custom content creation, backlinks, directory listings, and a good user-friendly front-end website layout.

At SFL Media it is important to our web design team and corporate leadership that we always make our clients aware of the real costs, and workload needed to maintain a website that operates on a high level. It is our duty as ethical website developers to provide you with the best information available. Our goal is not to finish your website and get paid for succeeding in our website build. Our goal is to build a long-standing relationship with you and your company built on top-shelf technology. Where you count on us for all of your online technology and website development needs. At SFL Media we strive to create a culture of success and producing high-level technology that performs. We aim to deliver cutting-edge website development and tech services for our clients in a faster than average turnaround time. At SFL Media we are a true technology team. Everyone has a job to do and everyone is an expert in their area of technology. We are all American and based out of the Arts District in Downtown Fort Lauderdale, Florida. As such our team is available for in-person meetings, zoom meetings, or telephonically any time that you need us. We are also in your time zone or close to it and most importantly we speak the same language. These are all very important things to consider when picking a website development team that you have to do a lot of hand-in-hand work with. When picking a website development team you always want to make sure that you pick a team that you will be comfortable with for a long time. Since your website and online corporate media will be around for the life of your business.

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Partner with a Web Development Team That’s Committed to Constant Improvement

Who wants to work with a grizzled freelancer who is stuck in their ways and hasn’t learned anything new since they started building websites in 1998? No one. The team at SFL Media is committed to constant improvement. Our web developers are always learning something new because they stay on top of the latest industry developments. Our web developers are true professionals who take their work seriously because they’re the best and they want to stay the best. If your web developer’s skills are outdated, your website will be too. At SFL Media, we’re always at the forefront of new technologies, new methodologies, and new ways to build better websites. We stay ahead of the curve so that our clients stay ahead of the competition. At SFL Media our team is comprised of true techies. People who live, breath, and sleep website development and online technology. All of our web development team members have years of experience and certifications. So you can rest assured that nothing will be left undone on your website development project. A lot of designers will do just what they have to to get the final payment and leave you hanging with major issues that you will discover shortly after launch. At SFL Media we are a big and established website development company. We are trusted by so many great companies because we are reliable. So we will be there by your side to complete every task needed to finish your new website. As well as to ensure your website has a good launch. Then we will be right here on stand-by, on the ready, should you need us for any tech support for your new website, its launch, or its new technology and features.

Choose SFL Media for All of Your Website Development Needs

It’s time to make SFL Media your one-stop shop for all of your web development needs. We’ll take your initial concept and turn it into one of the most spectacular websites you’ve ever seen. You can count on us to design your website, build it, and maintain it. Leaving you free to focus on running your business and enjoying a steady supply of new clients from your new website. Businesses from across the country choose to work with SFL Media for their web development needs because we offer some of the most comprehensive web development services in the nation. Our services include website hosting, website development, website management, social media management, Google Adwords Management, Facebook and Instagram Advertising, and Search Engine Optimization. Just to name a few! For a full list of our services please feel free to visit our homepage where we have our full technology menu prominently displayed on the right side of the website. At SFL Media we are a full-stack technology team at our core. So there is no part of the website development, implementation, or marketing process that we can’t handle in-house for our clients. This gives us a huge advantage over the competition because our website development team is here, ready, and available to help our clients at a moment’s notice. If you need to meet with the website design team at SFL Media then we can all be in a Zoom meeting in a matter of literal minutes. Business owners who want high-end technology and never-ending reliability come to SFL Media for all of their website development needs.

SFL Media Designs Awesome Websites

If you’ve ever been to South Florida, you’ll know just how hot the sun can be down here. Our web designs are the only thing hotter than the South Florida sun. Every website we develop features a custom, unique design that outshines anything else on the web. When you’re competitors see your new website from SFL Media, they’ll pack up and close down because they’ll know they’ve been licked. At SFL Media, we believe in setting our clients up for success because if you’re not successful, we’re not successful. That’s how we’ve done business since we began and that’s how we’ll always do business because when the customer comes first, everybody wins. Our websites can include anything you can possibly imagine. At SFL Media we can custom code your dreams into your website in no time at all. We can build websites to meet any need or design requirements that your business would like. This includes custom homepages, custom forms, custom web pages, unique software combinations, custom animations, custom video headers, and more. All are built on the powerful framework of DIVI, Aveda, or Elementor. Software that is not a silly website theme that any other person can buy on Theme Forest for $49. Nope! We build custom unique websites for our clients that no one else on the web has seen before and that means the website is custom built to your company’s exact specifications. The web development team at SFL takes great pride in our ability to create brand new original websites for our clients. Do not let yourself get sucked into the canned website vortex. If it’s worth doing, then it’s worth doing right and a pre-canned website is never going to fit your business needs and goals like a website that has been designed to specifically meet those very same goals.

At SFL Media we also have great high-level partnerships with companies like Liquid Web to make sure that your website is blazing fast and ultra-secure. With companies like Google where we have management-level accounts to make sure that your website ranks higher than the competition. Companies like Adobe who provide us with the tools and photos we need to make your website fresh and appealing to your potential customers. With companies like Yext and SynUp who make sure your website is listed on all the major search engines and directories. These relationships and accounts are a combination of website development tools of the trade that we have been building for over a decade. Put the power of our wealth of website development experience and corporate partnerships to work for your brand today. Contact SFL Media for a preliminary website development meeting. After that initial meeting, we will develop a custom website development plan for you and your business. From there you will be able to make any final changes to your website development plan. Then our team will go to work making your website development dreams a reality right in front of your eyes. When where done you will have a brand new website that meets all of your goals and specifications and is stunningly appealing to your potential customers. An SFL Media designed website is a statement to everyone who sees it. Letting them know that your business is of the highest possible quality and takes its image and technology very seriously. Hire SFL Media to be your website designers and you will not be disappointed!

Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, and Miami Website Development Local’s Discounts

At SFL Media our website designers build websites for people all over the world. But, if you are in our home area then we want to make sure you definitely use us for all your website design needs. We are based out of downtown Fort Lauderdale in the Flagler Village, the Arts District. We love being in Fort Lauderdale because it is centrally located right between Miami and West Plam Beach. Since we have based out of this area we manage the full online technology for multiple businesses in the area. Here in south Florida e manages the website technology for multiple law firms, medical practices, MRI clinics, hedge funds, and more. We love our South Florid customer base and we will be happy to give you 25% off of all of your website development and management needs if you sign up with us as your web developers. Even though South Florida is a big metropolis we all know we are a small family at heart down here. So we take extra care of our South Florida website design clients. As well as take great care of all of our website management and social media clients. We know better than anyone how competitive South Florida can be and how important marketing is down here in an area with this much tourism. Marketing and web development in South Florida take a special touch and attention to detail due to our ultra competitiveness. So we hope that you will take a hard look at the competition and choose us as your web development partner when going after a great market share for your business online. Whether your South Florida business is big or small we want to talk to you about your website developed and digital marketing needs. We have a website plan to fit just about every budget! So call us today and let’s take a meeting. All clients who mention the South Florida discount will get an instant 25 % off!

Website Development For Lawyers

The website designers at SFL Media have designed more attorney and law firm websites than we could even possibly count. Due to the fact that we are an American team with good grammar and that has extremely high development standards we have become a top choice for web development projects among lawyers across the nation. Having a cutting-edge website that performs well and works well with your digital marketing campaigns is a must for all attorneys who need to bring in clients to support their practices. The Bar Association also heavily monitors attorney advertising. So you want to make sure that when you pick a web designer for a law firm you pick one that has experience building law firm websites that meet the Bar’s high standards for legal advertising. At SFL Media we can not only make sure that you meet all the Bar’s advertising standards on your new website. We can also help you outrank competing law firms in the Google search results getting you a greater share of the new cases in your area every month. We can also manage your law firm’s social media and online advertising like Google Adwords or Facebook ads. As well as your corporate press release, directories, and reviews. At SFL Media we are a lawyer’s best friends! Put our website development team to work on your law firm’s new website and I promise that you will not be disappointed!

Website Development For Doctors

SFL Media has been working with doctors, medical practices, and surgeons for years. We design top-shelf cutting-edge websites for medical practices all over the nation. We are familiar with HIPAA laws and ADA compliance software. We can set up online bill pay for the practice, telemedicine, and even get your practice to the top of the medical search results on Google. Medical practices in the top search result on google receive an average of a 60% increase in new patients! Would you like to have a wave of new patients for your medical practice? If so then contact the website development team here at SFL Media for a completely free website development consultation. We can develop your new medical practice website, manage it after it’s developed, and run any of your online advertising or search engine optimization that you would like to do for the practice as well. The SFL MEdia website development team is a one-stop-shop for doctors who want the absolute best technology for their company and patients. We can also manage the medical practice’s press releases and social media accounts. We can also manage your Youtube page and we have multiple doctor’s clients some of which have become very popular and successful on youtube. YouTube is huge for doctors cause everyone googles their medical problems and procedure.s As such doctors that post on youtube can build large followings fast. Followings turn into millions of views and that turns into new patients or customers. YouTube can provide a medical practice with large amounts of completely free advertising. Also if the YouTube page does well, YouTube will cut the medical practice a check every single month for all your video views on their platform!


Website Development For Dentists

The website designers at SFL Media have built many dental websites over the years for dental practices all over the nation. we can build you the top-shelf dental practice website that you and your team deserve. We are familiar with all the HIPAA laws and ADA compliance needed to make your website fast, secure, and high ranking amongst your competitors. Our website development team can meet with you and create a website development plan that meets all your goals and standards. Then we will work tirelessly to bring that website development plan to life for your dental practice. Once your new website is built we can help you rank it at the top of the search engines. We can help manage your website and software. We can even help you set up a Google AdWords campaign and or Facebook and Instagram campaigns to target new potential patients for your dental office. At SFL Media websites for dentists are one of our specialties and we have over 14 years in experience building them for dentists just like you. So you can feel confident in highering us to create your website and online marketing network. To succeed online as a dentist you need a good website and a good technology team. There is a lot of competition in dentistry and the competition is also well funded. At SFL Media we can give you an edge on that competition that you can ride all the way to the bank. At SFL Media we put the online technology power behind dentists like you to give them the marketing edge they need to succeed in this ultra-competitive medical marketplace online. Call today and schedule a consultation with our South Florida website development team about your dental practice’s website development and medical marketing goals.

Let’s Build Your Perfect Website!

Now that you know more about SFL Media and what we can do for your company, it’s time to make the best decision of your life! By having your website developed by SFL Media, you’re making an investment in your own success. Your new website will be a powerful and unique representation of your brand that will command attention and drive sales. Owning a website that’s developed by SFL Media is something to be proud of, it shows that you’re serious about what you do. It also means that you have taste, as all of the websites, we build feature breathtaking graphics and cutting-edge web designs. Need a website that’s built for success? Call SFL Media today and put the best to the test!

South Florida Media

Internet Geniuses For Hire!

Local Phone: (954) 740-7900

Toll-Free: (833) 447-3396

Email: [email protected]

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