High Chance of a Second Stimulus Check

High Chance of a Second Stimulus Check

Currently, the United States government is planning the ins-and-outs of the new COVID-19 response package. The Republicans came up with the HEALS Act and the Democrats came up with the HEROES Act. Both plans are trying to invest money into the nation to further help us rebound from the virus. However, they also have many plans to help support Americans in their struggle to return to a normal healthy lifestyle. This includes another $1,200 stimulus check. Both of these packages are going to take time for the government officials to dispute, but so far it seems like the checks are a certainty.


What is the HEROES Act?


The Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act is a plan that was composed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This package is a massive $3-trillion proposal that is very similar to the CARES Act. You’ll be looking at an extension on the $600 unemployment benefits. Stimulus checks would remain the same with the $1,200 except for dependents. They were given $600 under the CARES Act, whereas this would double that amount. Probably the biggest addition to this bill is the Hazard Pay that is given to the essential employees that would add up to around $10,000.



What is the HEALS Act?


This act is very similar to the HEROES Act and CARES Act. The Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection, and Schools (HEALS) Act is a draft of a $1-trillion proposal in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Unlike the HEROES Act, this package doesn’t have all the added conditions from the CARES Act. This one primarily is going to be close to a repeat of what was given in aid to the Americans. Unemployment benefits will slightly change. However, this act is giving small businesses more money to spend on what they wish to. Also, those who wish to go back to work will be given a bonus for doing just that.

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