In a heartbreaking incident, Columbus Blue Jackets winger Johnny Gaudreau and his younger brother, Matthew, were tragically killed on Thursday evening in a bicycle accident in Oldmans Township, New Jersey. The New Jersey State Police confirmed the news in a release on Friday, sending shockwaves through the hockey community and beyond.
Johnny Gaudreau, 31, and Matthew Gaudreau, 29, were riding their bicycles when they were struck from behind by a Jeep Grand Cherokee. The driver, identified as 43-year-old Sean Higgins, was allegedly attempting to pass an SUV on the right when he hit the brothers. The SUV had moved over to give the cyclists space, but Higgins, reportedly under the influence of alcohol, tried to navigate around the vehicle, resulting in the fatal collision.
The tragic accident occurred at approximately 8:19 p.m., some 35 miles south of Philadelphia. First responders arrived at the scene to find both Gaudreaus had sustained fatal injuries, and they were pronounced dead on the spot. The brothers, who were native to New Jersey, were in the area to serve as groomsmen in their sister Katie’s wedding, which was set to take place in Philadelphia the following day.
According to the probable cause affidavit, Higgins admitted to consuming five or six beers prior to the crash. He told police that his drinking had contributed to his “impatience and reckless driving,” as he tried to pass the SUV, mistakenly believing the other driver was blocking his path. Higgins failed a field sobriety test at the scene and has since been charged with two counts of death by auto, reckless driving, possession of an open container, and consuming alcohol in a motor vehicle. He is currently being held at a Salem County facility and is scheduled for a pretrial detention hearing on Thursday.
The loss of Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau has left the hockey world in mourning. Johnny, a highly skilled and beloved player, had made a significant impact in the NHL with his dynamic play and sportsmanship. His brother, Matthew, had also pursued a career in hockey, having played in the AHL and ECHL.
The Columbus Blue Jackets expressed their grief in a statement on social media, calling the Gaudreaus’ deaths an “unimaginable tragedy.” The statement reflected the deep sorrow felt by teammates, fans, and the entire hockey community who knew and admired the Gaudreau brothers.
As the investigation into the crash continues, the Gaudreau family and their loved ones are left to grapple with an unthinkable loss. The wedding that was meant to be a joyous occasion has instead become a time of profound sorrow, as they mourn the sudden and tragic deaths of Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau.
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