Knowing the health of your mouth is one of the most important things you can do. Proper oral hygiene can prevent some of the simplest problems from becoming way too much without you realizing. Simple teeth aches and problems as such can be hiding underlying issues such as gum disease. These gum diseases could end up requiring tons of oral work and eventually even dental implants if you aren’t careful. Here, we’ll look at different gum diseases, and your options of prevention according to an Evansville dentist.
Best Protection is Prevention
That in itself is the key thing to take away from this. The best form of protection is prevention. In order to maintain your oral health, you must keep up on the work it requires on a daily basis. Small lacking steps will lead to overbearing negative results in the long run. Would you rather delay the need of oral work for as long as possible? Or would you prefer to have denture implants by the time you are forty because you didn’t keep up with proper oral hygiene? The choice is simple. All it takes is persistent good habits, and bi-yearly trips to your Evansville dentist to ensure proper oral health.
Regular Trips to Your Evansville Dentist
It is important to maintain a proper relationship with your Evansville dentist. In that thought pattern, however, it is also very important to have an a professional that you can trust. Dr. Max Lingo is an Evansville dentist with the credentials and all the necessary experience you could require. From cleanings to dental implants, these guys are the way to go.
After finding your trusted professional, it is important to keep a good relationship with them. Don’t lie about how you take care of your mouth. There is no reason to lie as all that comes of it is your loss in the long run. Your Evansville dentist is there to support you regardless how far your mouth has gone down the deep end.
Types of Gum Disease
There are two main types of gum disease: gingivitis and periodontitis. Both of which can cause lasting damage and extreme decay if left treated. Without proper prevention these diseases effect many people. Unfortunately, both of these gum diseases are quite common in adults throughout the United States. With proper oral care you are able to prevent these issues. Also, once these conditions are obtained, you are able to lessen the effects and possibly even stop the symptoms completely.
Gingivitis is the most common form of Gum disease. This disease encompasses about 50% of the population. The biggest factor of gingivitis is truly just poor oral hygiene. Of course, other factors such as smoking, diabetes, poor nutrition and immunity levels also play a part in this disease as well. Symptoms of gingivitis include red and swollen gums, bleeding gums when brushing, mouth sores and even bad breath. Ask your Evansville dentist for a check-up in order to establish your oral health and determine whether your gums are clean of plaque and tartar.
Plaque and tartar are the main two deciding factors of how well you are keeping up with your oral health. Plaque is a clear like substance that sticks to teeth and slowly decays them. Plaque quickly dries so it is important to brush and floss daily to prevent any build up. If plaque is allowed to dry and not taken care of, it will eventually become tartar. Tartar is a thickness at the base of tooth that is very difficult to remove. Normally this requires an appointment with your Evansville dentist. Check out Dr. Max Lingo for great oral care! If gingivitis is not treated, then the condition will worsen and eventually become periodontitis.
Unfortunately, if you yourself have periodontitis, then you should be frequenting your Evansville dentist much more. This gum disease is a much more progressed version of gingivitis. Once the plaque and tartar are not dealt with, your gums begin to get damaged. Not only the gums though, but your mouth bones, teeth and tissue are going to be destroyed. According to the NIH, periodontitis is the number one cause of tooth loss in the United States.
If you’ve reached this stage of oral health, it is time for you to finally buckle down and take care of yourself. If left untreated, you will begin losing teeth and possibly damaging your oral health beyond repair. You will see all the symptoms of gingivitis, plus much more. You’ll begin noticing gaps in your teeth and that your gums are receding, giving the appearance of longer teeth. Pus may begin developing in your mouth and you will have a bad taste in your mouth quite often. If this condition continues, the receding of the gums will begin allowing the teeth to become loose due to a loss of support. Once this happens, you are a short way from a visit to your Evansville dentist due to loss of teeth.
Treatment of periodontitis can actually lead to surgery. If the disease had persisted for a long period of time, you may need an entire overhaul of your mouth. Regeneration of bone, tissue and gum health will be the guiding factor for your Evansville dentist. The need to not only fix the issues of bacteria through multiple deep cleanings, but also repair your entire oral health. These issues can eventually cause much bigger problems to the underlying health of the rest of your body as well. Open wounds allow infection and lower immunity which is certainly not good at all.
Deep Cleaning and Restoration from your Evansville Dentist
Hopefully, you’ve noticed your detrimental oral hygiene and you are actively working to correct all the problems you are having. If you area able to catch gum disease in its early stages, you will be a lucky person that will just require a few appointments of deep cleaning and some persistence at home. After about four visits to your Evansville dentist for deep cleanings, you will be right back on the track to a normal mouth. In order to restore your teeth and mouth to the most pristine condition possible, it is paramount that you pay attention and visit your Evansville dentist such as Dr. Max Lingo regularly.