Greta Thunberg – Time Magazine 2019 Person of the Year

Greta Thunberg – Time Magazine 2019 Person of the Year

This year, Time Magazine took a leap and decided to make Greta Thunberg the 2019 Person of the Year. Meaning, they have just made Greta the youngest Person of the Year in history. A young woman such as herself has put a huge staple on the world. She is an activist as many others are. However, she is also willing to be the face that so many people get angry at for the movements. She rallied people to her causes, made stands outside of Parliament and even spoke in front of the United Nations on behalf of our beloved Earth. This young lady is making huge treads on this world.


Youngest Person of the Year?


That is correct, Greta Thunberg is the youngest Person of the Year in history by a longshot. The closest second would be the first person ever to have been granted this honor, Charles Lindbergh. Charles was 25 years old. He was able to make a successful flight from New York to Paris and was recognized for this matter. Greta Thunberg is only sixteen years old! It is by no comparison even close to the same thing. This young lady took it upon herself to begin missing out on school for matters that would require more attention in the world.


Thunberg Notables


The true question that may come across most peoples’ minds, is what did she do? Greta spoke in front of the entire world at the United Nations. During this event, she put those of the older generations on a plank and castrated them for their choices. Blame was cast upon those who have ignored the cries of the climate upon the world. She said that her chances for having a normal and clean life have been stripped from her. Given to those in search of Economic success and greed. Thunberg is an activist that has changed the views of so many people throughout the world. That is why she has been named Time Magazine’s 2019 Person of the Year.

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