When the wretched months of winter are upon the north, they always dread the bad omen of a shadow. Ever year, we look to our good friend Punxsutawney Phil to bring us good news of an early Spring. Groundhog Day is an annual American holiday that forewarns us of Mother Nature’s intentions. So, we ask our fine fellow friend, Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog, what to expect on February 2. This year, people in the North will be happy to know he did not see his shadow.
Groundhog Day Celebrations
In Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, people come from all around to observe the Groundhog baring its’ news to the world. Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow and predicts that spring is right around the corner. This small town enjoys the tourist attraction that brings people to see the furry weatherman. A celebration that originally began in 1886, has grown to have people question their local weather channel and trusting the little guy. Those who have are close-knit with Punxsutawney Phil, dress up in their suave petticoats and top-hats and happily declare the predictions.
Fun for All!
There are tons of activities during the Groundhog Day festivities every year. The town is filled with live music, contests and games, scavenger hunts, crafts and plenty more. If you have a child, there are Groundhog Story time, top hat decorating and a family fun Kids Korner. Plenty more is waiting to be found here on Groundhog Day. Plan a trip to see Punxsutawney Phil and enjoy all the Groundhog fun to be had. Here’s a passage from their website:
“This the main event where Punxsutawney Phil, the Seer of Seers, the Prognosticator of Prognosticators, the world’s most famous groundhog and the only real weather-predicting groundhog will greet his true believers and will reveal to the President of the Inner Circle his prediction for the end of winter.”